For many years she was just a dream but I was quick to make a reservation when I stumbled upon Nubia’s dam. At first I was worried about getting a new dog because no one would ever be able to compare to Hannibal. Therefore, I deliberately went in a different direction and opted for one of the opposite sex and a completely different lineage. So I would not compare the two. But I had nothing to be worried about. Nubia is perfect and absolutely wonderful in her own way!

Nubia, my Nubia. My whirlwind, my jester, my cornucopia of cuddles! I could not have dreamed you better than you are. You make me smile and laugh every single day and you have lit up my life from the day you arrived.
Nubia was born in April 2018 in Danish kennel JUANI. Their plans for this litter are described HERE.

It’s a little hard to find the right words because she is so much more than I can say with just mere words!
But I can tell you that she is very loving and nurturing towards both her four-legged and two-legged family members. She is great with children even without prior training and socialisation. Her recall is reliable every time and she always walks nicely on the leash. Nubia loves to cuddle just as much as she loves to run around at super duper top speed! She has an enormous amount of funny and whimsical whims, so you are guaranteed a big smile on your face when you are hanging out with Nubia.
Her hunting instincts are well developed but can be controlled on request. The nose is really good! No one can keep up with Nubia when she runs and she is just as agile as she is fast. Feeling down? Don’t worry, Nubia will fix that!
Nubia has been shown as much as I could in 2018 and 2019. Since I suffer from a chronic pain condition, it has not been with the frequency and energy I could wish for, but Nubia has not disappointed! Here is a selection of our results and an example of a respected judge’s criticism of her:
Copenhagen Junior Winner 2019 and the title KBHJV19
Junior Female of the Year ’18-’19
Junior Female of the Year ’19-’20
2.5 years old, wonderful size, very appealing, head with good skull, well-defined stop, well-filled muzzle, beautiful neck, beautiful topline, very well-proportioned, wonderful chest, well-angled in shoulder and back, fine bone stems and paws, beautiful color, good ridge, very well presented, runs fine and is very agile, glorious drive seen from all sides, very appealing.
Nubia has been x-rayed for hip and elbow dysplasia and she has been tested for hereditary diseases. She is also vet evaluated and approved. Nubia has no diseases or allergies, she is 100% healthy.
X-RAYS (via DKK)
HD: A [documentation]
AD: 0 [documentation]
DNA (via Laboklin) [documentation]
DM: N/N (not carrier) JME: N/N (not carrier)
Haemofilia B: N/N (not carrier)
B-locus: B/B D-locus: D/d

Hvirvelvinden Aldebaran “Marvin”

Hvirvelvinden Aranis “Storm”

Hvirvelvinden Alvilda “Ina”

Hvirvelvinden Arkibald “Rufus”